FastTree is more accurate than PhyML 3 with default settings, and much more accurate than the distance-matrix methods that are traditionally used for large alignments. FastTree uses the Jukes-Cantor or generalized time-reversible (GTR) models of nucleotide evolution and the JTT (Jones-Taylor-Thornton 1992) model of amino acid evolution. To account for the varying rates of evolution across sites, FastTree uses a single rate for each site (the "CAT" approximation). To quickly estimate the reliability of each split in the tree, FastTree computes local support values with the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (these are the same as PhyML 3's "SH-like local supports").
FastTree er mere præcis end PhyML 3 med standardindstillinger, og meget mere præcis end afstands-matrix metoder, der traditionelt anvendes til store justeringer. FastTree bruger Jukes-Cantor eller generaliseret[nbsp] tid-reversible (GTR) modeller af nukleotid-evolution og JTT (Jones- Taylor-Thornton 1992) modelaminosyreevolution. For at tage højde for de varierende satser evolution på tværs af steder, bruger FastTree en enkelt sats for hvert sted (»CAT«-tilnærmelsen). Hvis du hurtigt vil estimere pålideligheden af hver splittelse i træet, FastTree beregner lokal støtteværdier med Shimodaira-Hasegawa-test (disse er de samme som PhyML 3s »SH-lignende lokale understøtninger«).
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fasttree
This package contains a single threaded version (fasttree) and a parallel version which uses OpenMP (fasttreMP).
Denne pakke indeholder en enkelt gevindudførelse (fasttree) og en parallel udgave, som bruger OpenMP (fasttreMP).
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fasttree
FASTQ/A short nucleotide reads pre-processing tools
forbehandlingsværktøjer til læsning af korte FASTQ/A-nukleotider
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fastx-toolkit
The FASTX-Toolkit is a collection of command line tools for preprocessing short nucleotide reads in FASTA and FASTQ formats, usually produced by Next-Generation sequencing machines. The main processing of such FASTA/FASTQ files is mapping (aligning) the sequences to reference genomes or other databases using specialized programs like BWA, Bowtie and many others. However, it is sometimes more productive to preprocess the FASTA/FASTQ files before mapping the sequences to the genome—manipulating the sequences to produce better mapping results. The FASTX-Toolkit tools perform some of these preprocessing tasks.
FASTX-Toolkit er en samling af kommandolinjeværktøjer for forbehandling af korte nukleotidlæsninger i FASTA- og FASTQ-formater, normalt udarbejdet af Next-Generation sekvensmaskiner. Hovedbehandlingen af sådanne FASTA/FASTQ-filer er oversættelse (justering) af sekvenserne til referencegenomer eller andre databaser der bruger specialiserede programmer såsom BWA, Bowtie og mange andre. Det er dog undertiden mere produktivt at forbehandle FASTA/FASTQ-filerne, forud for oversættelse af sekvenserne til genom-manipulering, for at fremstille bedre oversættelsesresultater. FASTX-Toolkit-værktøjer udfører nogle af disse forbehandlingsopgaver.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fastx-toolkit
Utility to control attributes on a FAT filesystem
Redskab til at kontrollere attributter på et FAT-filsystem
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fatattr
FAT filesystems contain several attributes which do not map cleanly onto Unix attributes; this utility allow these to be controlled directly by unprivileged users on any mounted FAT partition.
FAT-filsystemer indeholder flere attributter, som ikke oversættes rent til Unix-attributter; dette redskab gør det muligt at kontrollere disse direkte af uprivilegerede brugere på en monteret FAT-partition.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fatattr
FAT filesystem explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: fatcat
fatcat is a tool to explore, extract, repair and forensic FAT filesystem. Its features:
- Get information about FAT filesystem;
- Explore FAT file system;
- Read file or extract directories;
- Retrieve file & directories that are deleted;
- Backup & restore the FAT tables;
- Hack the FAT table by writing on it;
- Hack the entries by changing clusters and file sizes;
- Perform a search for orphaned files & directories;
- Compare and merge the FAT tables;
- Repair unallocated directories & files;
- Supports FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: fatcat
report system wide file access events
Rapporter filadgangshændelser for hele systemet
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fatrace
fatrace reports file access events from all running processes. Its main purpose is to find processes which keep waking up the disk unnecessarily and thus prevent some power saving.
Fatrace rapporter filadgangshændelser fra alle kørende processer. Dets hovedformål at at finde processer, som igen og igen unødvendigt vækker disken og dermed kan der spares på strømmen.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fatrace