389 Directory Server Management Console -- documentation
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: 389-ds-console-doc
A Java based remote management console used for managing 389 Directory Server.
Konzola na vzdialenú správu adresárového servera 389 založená na Jave.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 389-ds-console-doc
Package: 389-ds-console
This package includes the html documentation for 389-ds-console.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: 389-ds-console-doc
389 Directory Server Gateway
adresárový server - brána
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 389-dsgw
389 Directory Server Gateway is a collection of 3 web applications that run on top of the Administration Server used by the Directory Server. These 3 applications are:
Brána adresárového servera 389 je kolekcia troch webových aplikácií, ktoré bežia nad serverom na správu, ktorý používa adresárový server. Tieto tri aplikácie sú:
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 389-dsgw
- phonebook:
a simple phonebook application geared towards end users, with simple search
screens and simple self-service management
- orgchart:
an organization chart viewer
- gateway:
a more advanced search interface that allows admins to create and edit user
entries, and allows creation of templates for different types of user and
group entries
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: 389-dsgw
Play chess across 3 boards!
hrajte šachy na 3 doskách!
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 3dchess
There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move. Provides a challenging enough game to all but the most highly skilled players.
Tri dosky sú poskladané zvisle. 96 figúr, z ktorých väčšina sú tradičné šachové figúry a niekoľko nových. 26 možných smerov pohybu. Poskytuje dostatočne vyzývavý hru aj pre najzručnejších hráčov.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 3dchess
visualisation and analysis for single valued point data
vizualizácia a analýza jednohodnotových bodových dát
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 3depict
This program provides a graphical interface for the scientific analysis of real valued point data (x,y,z,value). This is primarily targeted towards Atom probe tomography applications, but may prove useful to other applications as well.
Tento program poskytuje grafické rozhranie na vedeckú analýzu bodových dát s hodnotami v reálnych číslach (x,y,z,hodnota). Je primárne zameraný na aplikácie APT (Atom Probe Tomography), ale môže byť užitočná aj na iné aplikácie.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: 3depict