Currently supported are the Nokia 770, N800, N810, N810w and the N900.
Currently supported are the Nokia 770, N800, N810, N810w and the N900.
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 0xffff
mathematics based puzzle game
mathematics based puzzle game
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
Package: 2048-qt
2048 puzzle is mathematics based puzzle game where you have to slide tiles on a grid to combine them and create a tile with the number 2048. You have to merge the similar number tiles (2n) by moving the arrow keys in four different directions. When two tiles with the same number touch, they will merge into one.
2048 puzzle is mathematics based puzzle game where you have to slide tiles on a grid to combine them and create a tile with the number 2048. You have to merge the similar number tiles (2n) by moving the arrow keys in four different directions. When two tiles with the same number touch, they will merge into one.
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
Package: 2048-qt
Ping utility to determine directional packet loss
Ping utility to determine directional packet loss
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 2ping
2ping is a bi-directional ping utility. It uses 3-way pings (akin to TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) and after-the-fact state comparison between a 2ping listener and a 2ping client to determine which direction packet loss occurs.
2ping is a bi-directional ping utility. It uses 3-way pings (akin to TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) and after-the-fact state comparison between a 2ping listener and a 2ping client to determine in which direction packet loss occurs.
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 2ping
perl script to convert an addressbook to VCARD file format
Perl script to convert an addressbook to VCARD file format
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 2vcard
2vcard converts address books and alias files into the widely-used vCard format. Currently it can convert from abook, Eudora, Juno, LDIF, mutt, mh and pine.
2vcard converts address books and alias files into the widely-used vCard format. Currently it can convert from abook, Eudora, Juno, LDIF, mutt, mh and pine.
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
Package: 2vcard
Common files for IBM 3270 emulators and pr3287
Common files for IBM 3270 emulators and pr3287
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 3270-common
3270-common contains files referenced in other 3270 packages
3270-common contains files referenced in other 3270 packages
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 3270-common
389 Directory Administration Server
389 Directory Administration Server
Translated and reviewed by
Anthony Harrington
Located in
Package: 389-admin