The following plugins are included:
* Python Console: Python console for Eye of GNOME
* PicasaWeb Uploader: Upload your pictures to PicasaWeb
* Send By Mail: Sends an image attached to a new mail
* Map: Display the geolocation of the image on a map
* Exif Display: Displays camera settings and histogram
* Hide Titlebar: Hides the titlebar of maximized Eye of GNOME windows
* Flickr Uploader: Upload your pictures to Flickr
* Disable Dark Theme: Disables Eye of GNOME's preference of dark theme variants
* Zoom to Fit Image Width: Fit images to the window width
* Fullscreen Background: Enables changing background in fullscreen mode
* Maximize Windows: Maximize new windows
* Slideshow Shuffle: Shuffles images in slideshow mode
* Export to Folder: Export the current image to a separate directory