distributed social networking service - installer
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Package: diaspora-installer
Diaspora (currently styled diaspora* and formerly styled DIASPORA*) is a free personal web server that implements a distributed social networking service. Installations of the software form nodes (termed "pods") which make up the distributed Diaspora social network.
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Package: diaspora-installer-mysql
Package: diaspora-installer
Package: diaspora-common
Package: diaspora
Diaspora is intended to address privacy concerns related to centralized social networks by allowing users to set up their own server (or "pod") to host content; pods can then interact to share status updates, photographs, and other social data. It allows its users to host their data with a traditional web host, a cloud-based host, an ISP, or a friend. The framework, which is being built on Ruby on Rails, is free software and can be experimented with by external developers.
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Located in
Package: diaspora-installer-mysql
Package: diaspora-installer
Package: diaspora-common
Learn more about Diaspora at http://diasporafoundation.org
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: diaspora-installer-mysql
Package: diaspora-installer
Package: diaspora-common
This dummy package downloads diaspora (also pulling in runtime dependencies as rubygems) and configures it to use PostgreSQL and Nginx.
(no translation yet)
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Package: diaspora-installer
client to donate unused CPU cycles to distributed.net
Client, um ungenutzte CPU-Zeit an distributed.net zu übergeben
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Torsten Franz
Located in
Package: distributed-net
Donate your extra CPU cycles to a worthy cause!
Spenden Sie Ihre überflüssigen CPU-Takte für einen guten Zweck!
Translated and reviewed by
Hendrik Schrieber
Located in
Package: distributed-net
distributed.net started in 1997 as a project whose purpose was to win a series of contests sponsored by RSA Data Security Inc., to crack their RC5 encryption by brute-force methods. These contests were meant to show governments of nations such as the United States, who limit exports or use of cryptography, that the standards allowed are too weak for general use.
distributed.net begann im Jahr 1997 als ein Projekt, mit dem Ziel eine Reihe von Wettbewerbe zu gewinnen, die von RSA Data Security Inc. unterstützt wurden, um ihre RC5-Verschlüsselung mit Brute-Force-Methoden zu knacken. Diese Wettbewerbe waren dafür gedacht, den Regierungen von Ländern wie den Vereinigten Staaten, die den Export und die Verwendung von Krypthografie begrenzen, zu zeigen, dass die erlaubten Standards zu schwach für die allgemeine Verwendung sind.
Translated and reviewed by
Hendrik Schrieber
Located in
Package: distributed-net
Since this time, distributed.net's focus has changed from solely cracking RSA's RC5 and DES projects to working on more diverse distributed computing problems.
Seitdem hat sich der Fokus von distributed.net vom reinen Knacken der RC5 und DES-Projekte von RSA auf die Bearbeitung vielfältiger verteilter Rechenprobleme verschoben.
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Torsten Franz
Located in
Package: distributed-net
The ongoing projects are RC5-72 and Optimal Golomb Rulers (28-mark), the latter of which has practical applications in science. There are also a number of other projects which are either periodic or upcoming. You may choose which project you wish to participate in.
Die laufenden Projekte sind RC5-72 und Optimal Golomb Rulers (28-mark), von denen letzteres praktische Anwendung in der Wissenschaft findet. Es gibt auch eine Reihe anderer Projekte, die entweder regelmäßig oder in Kürze stattfinden. Sie können wählen, an welchem Projekt Sie teilnehmen möchten.
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Torsten Franz
Located in
Package: distributed-net