Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your directories of images. It supports themes that determine the visual appearance of the albums. Album creates thumbnails if necessary, and 'medium sized' versions of images for web viewing to avoid large downloads of original images. You can also customize your photo albums in many other ways.
Album é un script de perl que pode crear albums de potos en HTML para o seu cartafol de imaxes. Acepta temas que determinan a aparencia visual dos álbums Albums crea miniaturas se é necesario e versións de imaxes te tamaño mediano
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Marcos Lans
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Package: album
This program doesn't require a web server to work. Once the HTML is generated, you can put it in your "www" directory.
Este programa non require dun servidor web para funconar. Unha vez xerado o HTML, este pode ser colocado no directorio «www».
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Package: album
themes, plugins and translations for album
Temas, engadidos e traducións de album
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Package: album-data
Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your directories of images. This package provides themes, plugins and translations for Album.
Album é un script en perl que pode crear álbums en HTML a partir de directorios de imaxes. Este paquete fornece temas, engadidos e traducións de Album.
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Package: album-data
The available languages are Catalan, Chinese, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Swedish Chef, and Leet Hacker. The original Album package is in English.
Os idiomas dispoñíbeis son catalán, chinés, checo, alemán, español, francés, hebreo, húngaro, italiano, coreano, holandés, polaco, ruso, sueco Chef e Leet Hacker. O paquete orixinal de Album está en inglés.
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Package: album-data
Theme's demo site: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album Translations status: http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Languages.html Screenshots of themes: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album/
Sitio de demostración do tema: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album Estado da tradución: http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Languages.html Capturas de pantalla dos temas: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album/
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Package: album-data
Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
Un xogo independente en 3D de primeira persoa de francotirador en rede
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Package: alien-arena
This package installs the SDL client for Alien Arena.
Este paquete instala o cliente de SDL do Alien Arena.
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Package: alien-arena
Game data files for Alien Arena
Ficheiros de datos do xogo do Alien Arena
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Package: alien-arena-data
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games.
O ALIEN ARENA é un xogo independente en 3D de primeira persoa de francotirador en rede creado a partir do código fonte orixinal de Quake II e Quake III, publicado por id Software baixo a licenza GPL. Con características que inclúen gráficos en 32 bits, novo motor de partículas e efectos, explosións lixeiras, auga reflectinte, texturas en alta resolución e peles, mapas de mancha, etc. o ALIEN ARENA excede en beleza visual rivalizando cos mellores xogos do día.
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Package: alien-arena-server
Package: alien-arena-data
Package: alien-arena-common
Package: alien-arena