Apache HTTP Server - event driven model
Servidor de HTTP Apache - modelos de controlador de accións
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Package: apache2-mpm-event
The event MPM is designed to allow more requests to be served simultaneously by passing off some processing work to supporting threads, freeing up the main threads to work on new requests. It is especially suitable for sites that see extensive KeepAlive traffic.
A acción MPM foi deseñada para permitir que se sirvan máis peticións simultaneamente, facendo pasar a asistencia a un traballo por fíos de procesamento, liberando aos fíos principais para traballar en novas peticións. Está especialmente indicado para aqueles sitios que fagan extensivo o manter o tráfico vivo.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Located in
Package: apache2-mpm-event
This MPM is experimental and less tested than the worker and prefork MPMs.
Este MPM é experimental e probouse menos que o traballador e prebifurcado MPMs.
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Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Located in
Package: apache2-mpm-event
Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model
Servidor de HTTP Apache - modelo tradicional sen fíos
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Package: apache2-mpm-prefork
The prefork MPM provides a non-threaded, pre-forking implementation that handles requests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3. It is not as fast as threaded models, but is considered to be more stable. It is appropriate for sites that need to maintain compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries, and is the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other.
O MPM «prefork» fornece unha implementación sen fíos que xestiona as peticións de xeito semellante a Apache 1.3. Non é tan rápido como os modelos con fíos, pero considérase máis estable. É apropiado para sitios aos que lles fai falla manter compatibilidade con bibliotecas incompatibles con fíos, e é o mellor MPM para separar cada petición, de xeito que un problema con unha petición non afectará a ningunha outra.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Located in
Package: apache2-mpm-prefork
Apache HTTP Server - high speed threaded model
Servidor de HTTP Apache - modelo de alta velocidaed con fíos
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Package: apache2-mpm-worker
Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web server binary, compiled with a different processing model.
Cada módulo multi-proceso do Apache fai dispoñiblel un "sabor" diferente do servidor web binario, compilado con un modelo de procesamento diferente.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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Package: apache2-mpm-worker
Package: apache2-mpm-prefork
Package: apache2-mpm-event
The worker MPM provides the default threaded implementation. It is recommended especially for high-traffic sites because it is faster and has a smaller memory footprint than the traditional prefork MPM.
O «worker» (traballador) MPM fornece a implementación de fíos predeterminada. Recomendase especialmente para os sitios web de moito tráfico, xa que é más rápido e ten un menor consumo de memoria que o MPM prebifurcado tradicional.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Located in
Package: apache2-mpm-worker
Apache development headers - non-threaded MPM
Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento Apache - MPM non enfiado
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Located in
Package: apache2-prefork-dev
This package provides the development headers and apxs2 binary for apache2-mpm-prefork; see the apache2 package description for more details.
Este paquete fornece as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e o binario apxs2 para apache2-mpm-prefork; vexa a descrición do paquete apache2 para obter máis detalles.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Located in
Package: apache2-prefork-dev