2vcard is a little perl script that you can use to convert the popular vcard file format. Currently 2vcard can only convert addressbooks and alias files from the following formats: abook,eudora,juno,ldif,mutt, mh and pine.
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Package: 2vcard
The VCARD format is used by gnomecard, for example, which is used by the balsa email client.
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Package: 2vcard
3 dimensional Chess game for X11R6. There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move. The AI isn't wonderful, but provides a challenging enough game to all but the most highly skilled players.
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Package: 3dchess
4G8 allows you to capture traffic from a third party in a switched environment at the expense of a slight increase in latency to that third party host. Utilizing ARP cache poisoning, packet capture and packet reconstruction techniques, 4G8 works with nearly all TCP, ICMP and UDP IPv4 traffic flows.
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Package: 4g8
6tunnel allows you to use services provided by IPv6 hosts with IPv4-only applications and vice versa. It can bind to any of your IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and forward all data to IPv4 or IPv6 host.
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Package: 6tunnel
It can be used for example as an IPv6-capable IRC proxy.
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Package: 6tunnel
9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: awk, basename, bc, cat, cleanname, date, dc, echo, grep, mk, rc, sed, seq, sleep, sort, tee, test, touch, tr, uniq, and yacc.
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Package: 9base
9base is currently only used by wmii2 (window manager improved, version 2).
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Package: 9base
This is a simple program that allows you to create X menus from the shell, where each menu item will run a command. 9menu is intended for use with 9wm, but can be used with any other window manager.
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Package: 9menu
The tools offer a level of security - 9mount will only let you mount over non-sticky directories you have write access to, and 9umount will only let you unmount 9p partitions that you mounted yourself.
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Package: 9mount