metapackage for the unbranded abrowser
metapackage untuk abrowser yang tak bermerek
Translated by
Wayan Sudiarnata
Reviewed by
Mahyuddin Susanto
Located in
Package: abrowser
ABrowser is an unbranded version of the popular Firefox webbrowser; it is written in the XUL language and designed to be lightweight and cross-platform.
ABrowser merupakan versi tak bermerek dari webbrowser populer Firefox; ditulis dengan bahasa XUL dan didesain lebih ringan dan multiflatform
Translated by
Wayan Sudiarnata
Reviewed by
Mahyuddin Susanto
Located in
Package: abrowser
This is a metapackage that will point to the latest abrowser package in your distribution. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.
Ini adalah metapackage yang menunjukan paket abrowser yang terakhir yang terdapat dalam distribusi anda. Jangan hapus jika anda ingin menerima pemutakhiran paket ini di masa yang akan datang
Translated by
Wayan Sudiarnata
Reviewed by
Mahyuddin Susanto
Located in
Package: abrowser
The GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting
Utilitas Akuntansi GNU untuk akuntansi proses dan login
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: acct
GNU Accounting Utilities is a set of utilities which reports and summarizes data about user connect times and process execution statistics.
Utilitas Akuntansi GNU adalah seperangkat alat yang melaporkan dan menjumlahkan data tentang waktu koneksi pengguna dan statistik eksekusi proses.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: acct
"Login accounting" provides summaries of system resource usage based on connect time, and "process accounting" provides summaries based on the commands executed on the system.
"Login accounting" memberikan rangkuman penggunaan sumberdaya sistem berdasar waktu koneksi, sementara "process accounting" memberikan rangkuman berdasar perintah-perintah yang dijalankan pada sistem.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: acct
The 'last' command is provided by the sysvinit package and not included here.
Perintah 'last' disediakan oleh paket sysvinit dan tidak disertakan disini.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: acct
Access control list utilities
Daftar kontrol akses utilitas
Translated and reviewed by
Adnan Kashogi
Located in
Package: acl
This package contains the getfacl and setfacl utilities needed for manipulating access control lists.
Paket ini berisi utilitas getfacl dan setfacl dibutuhkan untuk memanipulasi daftar kontrol akses.
Translated and reviewed by
Adnan Kashogi
Located in
Package: acl
scripts for handling many ACPI events
Skrip untuk menangani berbagai even ACPI
Translated and reviewed by
tunggul arif siswoyo
Located in
Package: acpi-support