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1120 of 63410 results
This program provides a graphical interface for the scientific analysis of real valued point data (x,y,z,value). This is primarily targeted towards Atom probe tomography applications, but may prove useful to other applications as well.
이 프로그램은 실제 값 포인트 데이타 (x,y,z,value)의 과학적 분석을 위한 그래픽 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 이 프로그램은 원자 프로브 단층 촬영 어플리케이션을 주요 대상으로 하지만, 다른 어플리케이션에서도 유용할 수 있습니다.
Translated by Michael Vogt
Located in Package: 3depict
Packet Capture and Interception for Switched Networks
(no translation yet)
Located in Package: 4g8
4G8 allows you to capture traffic from a third party in a switched environment at the expense of a slight increase in latency to that third party host. Utilizing ARP cache poisoning, packet capture and packet reconstruction techniques, 4G8 works with nearly all TCP, ICMP and UDP IPv4 traffic flows.
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Located in Package: 4g8
RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon
RDF 데이타베이스 스토리지 및 쿼리 엔진 -- 데이타베이스 데몬
Translated by Michael Vogt
Located in Package: 4store
This package contains the database daemon and related utilities.
이 패키지는 데이타베이스 데몬 및 관련 유틸리티들을 포함합니다.
Translated by Michael Vogt
Located in Package: 4store
TCP proxy for non-IPv6 applications
(no translation yet)
Located in Package: 6tunnel
6tunnel allows you to use services provided by IPv6 hosts with IPv4-only applications and vice versa. It can bind to any of your IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and forward all data to IPv4 or IPv6 host.
(no translation yet)
Located in Package: 6tunnel
It can be used for example as an IPv6-capable IRC proxy.
(no translation yet)
Located in Package: 6tunnel
Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries: real-time strategy game
세븐 킹덤 고대의 적: 실시간 전략 게임
Translated by Michael Vogt
Located in Package: 7kaa
The game enables players to compete against up to six other kingdoms allowing players to conquer opponents by defeating them in war (with troops or machines), capturing their buildings with spies, or offering opponents money for their kingdom.
이 게임을 통해서 사용자는 최대 6개의 다른 왕국과 경쟁할 수 있습니다. 플레이 어는 전쟁에서 (군대 또는 기계를 통해) 상대를 물리치고, 스파이를 통해서 건물 을 빼았고, 또는 그들의 왕국을 위해 돈을 적에게 제공함으로 상대방을 정복할 수 있습니다.
Translated by Michael Vogt
Located in Package: 7kaa
1120 of 63410 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Korean Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Michael Vogt, Steve Langasek, Łukasz Zemczak, Данило Шеган.