Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your directories of images. It supports themes that determine the visual appearance of the albums. Album creates thumbnails if necessary, and 'medium sized' versions of images for web viewing to avoid large downloads of original images. You can also customize your photo albums in many other ways.
Album je skript perl, ki lahko ustvari albume fotografij HTML za vaše mape slik. Podpira teme, ki določijo videz albumov. Album po potrebi ustvari sličice in slike 'srednje velikosti' za spletni ogled ter izogibanje prejemu izvirnih slik. Svoje albume fotografij lahko prilagodite na več drugih načinov.
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: album
This program doesn't require a web server to work. Once the HTML is generated, you can put it in your "www" directory.
Ta program za delovanje ne potrebuje spletnega strežnika. Ko je HTML ustvarjen, ga lahko postavite v svojo mapo "www".
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: album
Screenshot: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg
Zaslonski posnetek: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg
Translated by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: album
themes, plugins and translations for album
Teme, vstavki in prevodi za album
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: album-data
Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your directories of images. This package provides themes, plugins and translations for Album.
Album je skript perl, ki lahko ustvari HTML albume fotografij za vaše mape slik. Ta paket zagotavlja teme, vstavke in prevode za Album.
Translated by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: album-data
The available languages are Catalan, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Hebreu, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Swedish Chef, Chinese and Leet Hacker. The original Album package is in English.
Razpoložljivi jeziki so katalonščina, češčina, nemščina, španščina, francoščina, hebrejščina, madžarščina, italijanščina, korejščina, nizozemščina, poljščina, švedščina, kitajščina in Leet Hacker. Izvirni paket Album je v angleščini.
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: album-data
Theme's demo site: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album Translations status: http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Languages.html Screenshot of Album: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg Screenshots of themes: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album/
Preizkusno spletišče tem: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album Stanje prevodov: http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Languages.html Zaslonska slika Albuma: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg Zaslonski posnetki tem: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album/
Translated by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: album-data
Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
Samostojna 3D prvoosebna strelska igra
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: alien-arena
This package installs the SDL client for Alien Arena.
Ta paket namesti odjemalec SDL za igro Alien Arena.
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: alien-arena
Game data files for Alien Arena
Podatkovne datoteke za igro Alien Arena.
Translated and reviewed by
Klemen Košir
Located in
Package: alien-arena-data