Common Lisp the Language, second edition, book (Pre-ANSI)
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Package: cltl
This package installs the HTML version of Guy L. Steele book Common Lisp the Language, second edition. This book describes a snapshot of the Common Lisp language during the period that the ANSI Common Lisp standard was created. Thus, this book describe a NON-STANDARD version of Common Lisp which is similar to, but is *NOT*, ANSI Common Lisp.
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Package: cltl
For reference on ANSI Common Lisp, use the Debian package "hyperspec". This book is included in Debian because, while it does differ from the ANSI standard, it has more details than the "hyperspec" about the design and usage of Lisp.
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Package: cltl
This package does not contain the actual HTML files, but rather downloads the HTML archive from the Internet and then installs it.
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Package: cltl
global multiple nucleotide or peptide sequence alignment
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Package: clustalw
This program performs an alignment of multiple nucleotide or amino acid sequences. It recognizes the format of input sequences and whether the sequences are nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) or amino acid (proteins). The output format may be selected from in various formats for multiple alignments such as Phylip or FASTA. ClustalÂ[nbsp] W is very well accepted.
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Package: clustalw
The output of ClustalÂ[nbsp] W can be edited manually but preferably with an alignment editor like SeaView or within its companion ClustalÂ[nbsp] X. When building a model from your alignment, this can be applied for improved database searches. The Debian package hmmer creates such in form of an HMM.
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Package: clustalw
MPI-distributed global sequence alignment with ClustalW
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Package: clustalw-mpi
ClustalW is a popular tool for multiple sequence alignment. The alignment is achieved via three steps: pairwise alignment, guide-tree generation and progressive alignment. ClustalW-MPI is an MPI implementation of ClustalW. Based on version 1.82 of the original ClustalW, both the pairwise and progressive alignments are parallelized with MPI, a popular message passing programming standard. The pairwise alignments can be easily parallelized since the many alignments are time independent on each other. However the progressive alignments are essentially not parallelizable because of the time dependencies between each alignment.
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Package: clustalw-mpi
Here the recursive parallelism paradigm is applied to the linear space profile-profile alignment algorithm. This approach is more time efficient on computers with distributed memory architecture. Traditional approach that relies on precomputing the profile-profile score matrix has also been implemented. Results shown the latter is indeed more appropriate for shared memory multiprocessor computer.
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Package: clustalw-mpi