The available languages are Catalan, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Hebreu, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Swedish Chef, Chinese and Leet Hacker. The original Album package is in English.
Os idiomas disponíveis são Catalão, Tcheco, Alemão, Espanhol, Francês, Hebreu, Húngaro, Italiano, Coreano, Holandês, Polonês, Sueco, Chinês e Leet Hacker. O pacote Album original está em Inglês.
Translated by
João Paulo Pizani Flor
Reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: album-data
Theme's demo site: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album Translations status: http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Languages.html Screenshot of Album: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg Screenshots of themes: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album/
Demonstrações de temas : http://davepics.com/Theme_Album Estado das traduções: http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/Languages.html Capturas de tela do Album: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg Capturas de telas de temas: http://davepics.com/Theme_Album/
Translated by
João Paulo Pizani Flor
Reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: album-data
Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
jogo 3D de tiro de confronto mortal online em primeira pessoa
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: alien-arena
This package installs the SDL client for Alien Arena.
Este pacote instala do cliente SDL para o Alien Arena.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: alien-arena
Common files for Alien Arena client and server
Arquivos comuns ao cliente e servidor Alien Arena
Translated by
Fernando P Silveira
Reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: alien-arena-common
This package installs the common files for Alien Arena.
Este pacote instala os arquivos comuns do Alien Arena.
Translated by
Fernando P Silveira
Reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: alien-arena-common
Game data files for Alien Arena
Arquivos de dados do jogo Alien Arena
Translated and reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: alien-arena-data
This package installs the data, botinfo, and arena files needed to run Alien Arena.
Este pacote instala os dados, informações de bot e arquivos do arena necessários para executar Alien Arena.
Translated and reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: alien-arena-data
Dedicated server for Alien Arena
Servidor dedicado do Alien Arena
Translated and reviewed by
André Gondim
Located in
Package: alien-arena-server
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games.
ALIEN ARENA é um jogo 3D de tiro de confronto mortal online em primeira pessoa construído a partir do código fonte original do Quake II e Quake III, lançado pela id Software sob a licença GPL. Com recursos que incluem gráficos 32 bit, novo motor de partículas e efeitos, raios de luz ("light bloom"), água com reflexo, texturas e "skins" em alta resolução, modelos poligonais, mapas descoloridos, ALIEN ARENA se preocupa muito com a beleza gráfica se igualando com os jogos de destaque atuais.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: alien-arena-server
Package: alien-arena-data
Package: alien-arena-common
Package: alien-arena