AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him).
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Located in
Package: apturl-common
Package: apturl
Hardware architecture detector
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Located in
Package: archdetect-deb
This package provides the 'archdetect' tool, which displays the current machine architecture and subarchitecture. The architecture corresponds to that built into dpkg, and describes the CPU (and possibly kernel) types; the subarchitecture distinguishes machines with different boot arrangements that require special handling.
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Located in
Package: archdetect-deb
This package would be called 'archdetect', but a udeb of that name already existed for use in the installer.
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Located in
Package: archdetect-deb
archive utility
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Located in
Package: ark
Ark manages various archive formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip. It can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
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Located in
Package: ark
Highly configurable text format for writing documentation
설정이 자유로운 문서 작성용 텍스트 형식
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: asciidoc
AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing articles, books, manuals and UNIX man pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to HTML (with or without stylesheets), DocBook (articles, books and refentry documents) and LinuxDoc using the asciidoc command. AsciiDoc can also be used to build and maintain websites.
AsciiDoc은 기사, 책, 설명서, 유닉스 맨 페이지를 쓰기 위한 텍스트 문서 형식입니다. AsciiDoc 파일은 asciidoc 명령을 이용해 HTML(스타일시트 유무 무관), DocBook(기사, 책, 참고 목록 문서), LinuxDoc으로 변환할 수 있습니다. AsciiDoc은 웹 사이트를 빌드하고 유지 보수하는 데도 쓰일 수 있습니다.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: asciidoc
You write an AsciiDoc document the same way you would write a normal text document, there are no markup tags or weird format notations. AsciiDoc files are designed to be viewed, edited and printed directly or translated to other presentation formats
일반 텍스트 문서를 쓰는 것과 같은 방식으로 AsciiDoc 문서를 쓰면 됩니다. 마크업 태그나 이상한 형식 기호는 없습니다. AsciiDoc 파일은 직접 보고 편집하고 인쇄하거나 다른 프레젠테이션 형식으로 변환할 수 있게 디자인됐습니다.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: asciidoc
GNU Aspell spell-checker
GNU Aspell 맞춤법 검사기
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: aspell