This is the set of non-GL screensavers not shipped by default: deco, distort, galaxy, metaballs, penrose, ripples, shadebobs, slidescreen, sonar, swirl, ant, anemone, anemotaxis, apollonian, apple2, attraction, barcode, blaster, blitspin, bouboule, boxfit, braid, bsod, bubbles, bumps, ccurve, celtic, cloudlife, compass, coral, critical, crystal, cynosure, decayscreen, deluxe, demon, discrete, drift, epicycle, eruption, euler2d, fadeplot, fireworkx, flag, flame, flow, fluidballs, fontglide, forest, goop, grav, greynetic, halftone, halo, helix, hopalong, hyperball, hypercube, ifs, imsmap, interaggregate, interference, intermomentary, jigsqw, juggle, julia, memscroller, mismunch, moire, moire2, mountain, munch, nerverot, noseguy, pacman, pedal, penetrate, petry, phosphor, piecewise, polyominoes, pong, pyro, qiz, rd-bomb, rocks, rorschach, rotor, rotzoomer, sierpinski, slip, speedmine, sphere, spiral, spotlight, squiral, starfish, strange, substrate, t3d, thornbird, triangle, truchet, twang, vermiculate, vidwhacker, vines, wander, whirlwindwarp, whirlygig, worm, wormhole, xanalogtv, xflame, xjack, xmatrix, xrayswarm, xspirograph, zoom.