ALSA topology configuration files
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: alsa-topology-conf
This package contains ALSA topology configuration files that can be used by libasound2 for specific audio hardware.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: alsa-topology-conf
ALSA Use Case Manager configuration files
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: alsa-ucm-conf
This package contains ALSA Use Case Manager configuration of audio input/output names and routing for specific audio hardware. They can be used with the alsaucm tool.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: alsa-ucm-conf
Utilities for configuring and using ALSA
Utilitats per a la configuració i per a l'ús d'ALSA
Translated and reviewed by
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in
Package: alsa-utils
Included tools:
- alsactl: advanced controls for ALSA sound drivers
- alsaloop: create loopbacks between PCM capture and playback devices
- alsamixer: curses mixer
- alsaucm: alsa use case manager
- amixer: command line mixer
- amidi: read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI ports
- aplay, arecord: command line playback and recording
- aplaymidi, arecordmidi: command line MIDI playback and recording
- aconnect, aseqnet, aseqdump: command line MIDI sequencer control
- iecset: set or dump IEC958 status bits
- speaker-test: speaker test tone generator
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Eines incloses:
- alsactl: controls avançats per a controladors de so d'ALSA
- alsaloop: crea bucles entre dispositius PCD de captura i reproducció
- alsamixer: mesclador del curses
- alsaucm: gestor de casos d'usuari de l'alsa
- amixer: mesclador de la línia d'ordres
- amidi: llegeix i escriu als ports RawMIDI ALSA
- aplay, arecord: reproducció i enregistrament des de la línia d'ordres
- aplaymidi, arecordmidi: reproducció i enregistrament MIDI des de la línia d'ordres
- aconnect, aseqnet, aseqdump: controlador del seqüenciador MIDI des de la línia d'ordres
- iecset: estableix o bolca bits d'estat IEC958
- speaker-test: generador de tons de prova dels altaveus
Translated and reviewed by
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in
Package: alsa-utils
Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters
Interfície entre l'MTA i els filtres de contingut/escanejador de virus
Translated and reviewed by
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in
Package: amavisd-new
AMaViSd-new is a script that interfaces a mail transport agent (MTA) with zero or more virus scanners, and spamassassin (optional).
L'AMaViSd-new és un script que interconnecta un agent de transport de correu (MTA) amb zero o més escàners de virus i el spamassassin (opcional).
Translated and reviewed by
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in
Package: amavisd-new
It supports all common virus scanners (more than 20 different AVs), with direct talk-to-daemon support for ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, AVG, f-prot, and Sophos AVs.
És compatible amb tots els escàners comuns de virus (més de 20 diferents programes antivirus), amb suport directe de interacció amb el demoni per al programes d'antivirus ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, AVG, f-prot, i Sophos.
Translated and reviewed by
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in
Package: amavisd-new
AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode (ideal for postfix and exim). It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client. It supports sendmail milter through the amavisd-new-milter package.
AMaViSd-new suporta tots els MTA a través del seu filtre genèric SMTP/LMTP (ideal per al postfix i l'exim). És més ràpid i més segur d'utilitzar el mode de filtre SMTP / LMTP que utilitzar el client de canalització AMaViS. És compatible amb el sendmail milter mitjançant el paquet amavisd-new-milter.
Translated and reviewed by
Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in
Package: amavisd-new