The tool apt-listchanges can compare a new version of a package with the one currently installed and show what has been changed, by extracting the relevant entries from the Debian changelog and NEWS files.
apt-listchanges ツールはパッケージの新バージョンと現在インストール中の バージョンを比較し、Debian changelog および NEWS ファイルから関連した エントリを抽出することにより、差分を表示します。
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: apt-listchanges
It can be run on several .deb archives at a time to get a list of all changes that would be caused by installing or upgrading a group of packages. When configured as an APT plugin it will do this automatically during upgrades.
パッケージ群のインストールや更新により生じうる全変更リストを得るため、 同時に複数の .deb アーカイブに対して起動できます。APT プラグインとして 設定した場合、更新中に同様の処理を自動実行します。
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: apt-listchanges
This package contains all the required files to add support for English language to the GNU Aspell spell checker.
本パッケージには、GNU Aspell スペルチェッカに英語対応を追加するのに必要な全 ファイルが含まれます。
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: aspell-en
This package allows a package to be started as non-root but still bind to low ports, without any changes to the application.
本パッケージは、アプリケーションには変更を加えずに、低い番号のポートを バインドしつつ root ではない状態でパッケージを起動できるようにします。
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Reviewed by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: authbind
Autofs controls the operation of the automount daemons. The automount daemons automatically mount filesystems when they are used and unmount them after a period of inactivity. This is done based on a set of pre-configured maps.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: autofs
This tool implements IPv4LL, "Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses" (IETF RFC3927), a protocol for automatic IP address configuration from the link-local range without the need for a central server. It is primarily intended to be used in ad-hoc networks which lack a DHCP server.
このツールは中央サーバを置く必要無く link-local の範囲から IP アドレスを自動設定するためのプロトコルである IPv4LL "Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses" (IETF RFC3927) を実装しています。主に DHCP サーバが無いアドホックなネットワークでの利用を 想定しています。
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: avahi-autoipd
This package contains the Avahi Daemon which represents your machine on the network and allows other applications to publish and resolve mDNS/DNS-SD records.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: avahi-daemon
This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: dict-foldoc
DejaVu provides an expanded version of the Vera font family aiming for quality and broader Unicode coverage while retaining the original Vera style. DejaVu currently works towards conformance with the Multilingual European Standards (MES-1 and MES-2) for Unicode coverage. The DejaVu fonts provide serif, sans and monospaced variants.
DejaVu は、Vera フォントファミリーの拡張版で、オリジナルの Vera[tab] スタイ ルを保持しつつ、品質と Unicode のより広範囲の文字セットのカバーを目標と しています。DejaVu は、現在 Unicode 適用を目標に Multilingual European Standards (MES-1 および MES-2) への適合を目指して作業が進められています。 DejaVu フォントは、serif、sans および monospace フォントを供給します。
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: fonts-dejavu-mono
Package: fonts-dejavu-extra
Package: fonts-dejavu-core
GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
GNU grep, egrep, fgrep
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: grep