AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode (ideal for postfix and exim). It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client. It supports sendmail milter through the amavisd-new-milter package.
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Package: amavisd-new
Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs
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Located in
Package: amd64-microcode
This package contains microcode patches for all AMD AMD64 processors. AMD releases microcode patches to correct processor behavior as documented in the respective processor revision guides.
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Package: amd64-microcode
For Intel processors, please refer to the intel-microcode package.
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Located in
Package: amd64-microcode
cron-like program that doesn't go by time
Крону сличан програм који не прати време
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: anacron
Anacron (like "anac(h)ronistic") is a periodic command scheduler. It executes commands at intervals specified in days. Unlike cron, it does not assume that the system is running continuously. It can therefore be used to control the execution of daily, weekly, and monthly jobs (or anything with a period of n days), on systems that don't run 24 hours a day. When installed and configured properly, Anacron will make sure that the commands are run at the specified intervals as closely as machine uptime permits.
Анакрон (као „анахриничан“) је заказивач повремених наредби. Извршава наредбе у периоду наведеном уданима. За разлику од крона, не претпоставља да систем ради непрекидно. И стога може бити коришћен за управљање извршавањем дневних, недељних и месечних послова (или било чега са интервалом од n дана), на системима који не раде 24 сата дневно. Када је инсталиран и подешен исправно, Анакрон ће осигурати да ће наредбе бити покренуте у наведеним размацима како то буде омогућавало време рачунара.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: anacron
This package is pre-configured to execute the daily jobs of the Debian system. You should install this program if your system isn't powered on 24 hours a day to make sure the maintenance jobs of other Debian packages are executed each day.
Овај пакет је унапред подешен да извршава дневне послове на Дебијановом систему. Треба да инсталирате овај програм ако се ваш систем не напаја 24 сата дневно да бисте осигурали да се послови одржавања других Дебијанових пакета извршавају сваког дана.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: anacron
IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use
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Located in
Package: anope
Anope offers various services to maintain your IRC network.
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Located in
Package: anope
The following main services are included: NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, OperServ, BotServ, and HostServ.
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Package: anope