GNOME Power Manager is a session daemon for the GNOME desktop that takes care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and only show some settings important to the user.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: gnome-power-manager
The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet domain name server. BIND is the most widely-used name server software on the Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium, www.isc.org.
A Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) egy Internet domainnév szerver megvalósítás. a BIND a legáltalánosabban használt névszerver szoftver az Interneten, melyet az Internet Software Consortium - www.isc.org - támogat.
Translated by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: liblwres161
Package: libisccfg163
Package: libisccfg-export163
Package: libisccc161
Package: libisccc-export161
Package: libisc1105
Package: libisc-export1105
Package: libirs161
Package: libirs-export161
Package: libdns1110
Package: libdns-export1110
Package: libbind9-161
Package: libbind-export-dev
GNOME Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support.
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Located in
Package: nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal
Package: gnome-terminal
This package contains the programs used for manipulating the terminfo database and individual terminfo entries, as well as some programs for resetting terminals and such.
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Located in
Package: ncurses-bin
The Object Exchange protocol can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimised for ad-hoc wireless links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard).
Az objektum-cserés (OBEX) protokoll leginkább úgy írható le, mint bináris HTTP. Az OBEX ad-hoc vezetéknélküli kapcsolatok esetén használatos mindenféle olyan objektum egymás közti cseréjére, mint fájlok, képek, naptárbejegyzések (vCal) és névjegykártyák (vCard).
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Vogt
Located in
Package: openobex-apps
Package: libopenobex2-dev
Package: libopenobex2
Orca defines a set of default behaviors (reactions to application events) and key bindings (reaction to user key presses). These default behaviors and key bindings can be overwritten on a per-application basis. Orca creates a script object for each running application, which merges both the default behaviors and key bindings, and the application specific ones. Orca provides the infrastructure to activate and deactivate scripts, as well as a host of services accessible from within the scripts.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Package: orca
Rhythmbox is a very easy to use music playing and management program which supports a wide range of audio formats (including mp3 and ogg). Originally inspired by Apple's iTunes, the current version also supports Internet Radio, iPod integration and generic portable audio player support, Audio CD burning, Audio CD playback, music sharing, and Podcasts.
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Located in
Package: rhythmbox-plugins
Package: rhythmbox-data
Package: rhythmbox
This software provides an abstraction of the used apt repositories. It allows you to easily manage your distribution and independent software vendor software sources.
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Located in
Package: software-properties-gtk
Package: software-properties-common
Package: python3-software-properties
Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
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Located in
Package: vim