AdvanceCOMP contains recompression utilities for your .zip archives, .png images, .mng video clips and .gz files.
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Package: advancecomp
For recompression, 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.com) is used, which generally gives 5-10% more compression than zLib.
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Located in
Package: advancecomp
default icon theme of GNOME (small subset)
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Located in
Package: adwaita-icon-theme
This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME desktop. The icons are used in many of the official gnome applications like eog, evince, system monitor, and many more.
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Package: adwaita-icon-theme
This package only contains a small subset of the original GNOME icons which are not provided by the Humanity icon theme, to avoid installing many duplicated icons. Please install adwaita-icon-theme-full if you want the full set.
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Located in
Package: adwaita-icon-theme
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - pysyvä binääri
Translated by
Joni Soini
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Package: aide
This package contains the statically linked binary for "normal" systems.
Tämä paketti sisältää pysyvästi linkitetyn binäärin "normal"-järjestelmille.
Translated by
Joni Soini
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Package: aide
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Common files
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Yleiset tiedostot
Translated by
Steve Langasek
Located in
Package: aide-common
AIDE is an intrusion detection system that detects changes to files on the local system. It creates a database from the regular expression rules that it finds from the config file. Once this database is initialized it can be used to verify the integrity of the files. It has several message digest algorithms (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, etc.) that are used to check the integrity of the file. More algorithms can be added with relative ease. All of the usual file attributes can also be checked for inconsistencies.
AIDE on hyökkäyksentunnistusjärjestelmä joka havaitsee paikallisen järjestelmän tiedostojen muutokset. Se luo tietokannan tavallisista käyttäytymissäännöistä, jotka se löytää asetustiedostosta. Kun tämä tietokanta on käynnistetty, sitä voidaan käyttää tiedostojen yhtenäisyyden varmistamiseen. Sillä on useita viestinvarmistusalgoritmeja (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, jne), joita käytetään tarkistamaan tiedoston eheys. Lisää algoritmeja voidaan lisätä suhteellisen helposti. Kaikki yleiset tiedosto-ominaisuudet voidaan myös tarkistaa ristiriitaisuuksilta.
Translated by
Joni Soini
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Package: aide-common
Package: aide
This package contains base and configuration files that are needed to run the actual binaries.
Tämä paketti sisältää perus- ja asetustiedostot, joita tarvitaan itse binäärien ajamiseen.
Translated by
Steve Langasek
Located in
Package: aide-common