Supported NVIDIA devices include GPUs starting from GeForce 8 and Quadro FX series, as well as the Tesla computing processors.
Unterstützte NVIDIA Geräte umfassen Grafikprozessoren ab GeForce 8 und Quadro FX Baureihe, als auch Tesla Prozessoren.
Translated and reviewed by
Located in
Package: libcuda1-340
NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX configuration library
Binäre OpenGL/GLX-Konfigurationsbibliothek von NVIDIA
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-535-server
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-535
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-525-server
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-525
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-470-server
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-470
This package contains the libnvidia-cfg.so.1 runtime library.
Dieses Paket enthält die libnvidia-cfg.so.1 Laufzeitbibliothek.
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-535-server
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-535
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-525-server
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-525
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-470-server
Package: libnvidia-cfg1-470
Shared files used by the NVIDIA libraries
Gemeinsame Dateien, die von den NVIDIA-Bibliotheken verwendet werden
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-common-535-server
Package: libnvidia-common-535
Package: libnvidia-common-525-server
Package: libnvidia-common-525
Package: libnvidia-common-515-server
Package: libnvidia-common-510
Package: libnvidia-common-470-server
Package: libnvidia-common-470
Package: libnvidia-common-460
Package: libnvidia-common-455
Package: libnvidia-common-450
Package: libnvidia-common-440
Package: libnvidia-common-430
This package provides a set of files that are required by the NVIDIA libraries.
Dieses Paket enthält einen Satz von Dateien, die von den NVIDIA-Bibliotheken benötigt werden.
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-common-535-server
Package: libnvidia-common-535
Package: libnvidia-common-525-server
Package: libnvidia-common-525
Package: libnvidia-common-515-server
Package: libnvidia-common-510
Package: libnvidia-common-470-server
Package: libnvidia-common-470
Package: libnvidia-common-460
Package: libnvidia-common-455
Package: libnvidia-common-450
Package: libnvidia-common-440
Package: libnvidia-common-430
Transitional package for libnvidia-compute-418
Übergangspaket für libnvidia-compute-418
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-compute-410
This is a transitional package for libnvidia-compute-418, and can be safely removed after the installation is complete.
Dies ist ein Übergangspaket für libnvidia-compute-418 und kann sicher entfernt werden, nachdem die Installation abgeschlossen ist.
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-compute-410
NVIDIA libcompute package
NVIDIA libcompute-Paket
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-compute-535-server
Package: libnvidia-compute-535
Package: libnvidia-compute-525-server
Package: libnvidia-compute-525
Package: libnvidia-compute-470-server
Package: libnvidia-compute-470
This package provides a set of libraries which enable the NVIDIA driver to use GPUs for parallel general purpose computation through CUDA and OpenCL.
Dieses Paket enthält eine Reihe von Bibliotheken, die es dem NVIDIA-Treiber ermöglichen, GPUs für die parallele Universalberechnung über CUDA und OpenCL zu verwenden.
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-compute-535
Package: libnvidia-compute-525
Package: libnvidia-compute-470
NVIDIA Video Decoding runtime libraries
NVIDIA-Laufzeitbibliotheken für die Videodekodierung
Translated by
Stephan Woidowski
Reviewed by
Christoph Gerlach
Located in
Package: libnvidia-decode-535-server
Package: libnvidia-decode-535
Package: libnvidia-decode-525-server
Package: libnvidia-decode-525
Package: libnvidia-decode-470-server
Package: libnvidia-decode-470