<strong>Contact Search and Listings</strong> - When you want to provide a search form and search result listings for some or all of your contacts you can create a profile with the desired search fields and link users to the path for that search form. When creating a link to search and listings profiles, add the corresponding profile ID to the end of your query string using the 'gid' parameter. For example, the link to display a search and listings page for a Profile with ID = 3 would be:
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<strong>Contact Signup Forms</strong> - Create link(s) to 'new contact' input form(s) for your Profiles using the following path: <em>%1/%2</em>. (This example links to an input form for Profile ID 3.)
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<strong>Contact Edit Forms</strong> - Allow <strong>authenticated users</strong> to edit their own contact info with a Profile using the following path: <em>%1/%2</em>. (This example links to an edit form for Profile ID 3.)
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<strong>HTML Form Snippet</strong> - If you want more control over form layout, or want to add Profile input forms to non-CiviCRM blocks, pages and/or sites...click the HTML Form Snippet action link for a Profile below - and copy and paste the HTML form code into any web page.
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The HTML Form Snippet code will display a form consisting of the active fields in this Profile. You can copy this HTML code and paste it into any block or page on ANY website where you want to collect contact information.
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You can control the web page that someone is directed to AFTER completing the form by modifying the contents of the hidden <strong>postURL</strong> input field. Replace the default value with any valid complete URL prior to saving the form code to the desired page(s).
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If the form is submitted with errors (i.e. required field not completed...) - the default behavior is to display the errors within the 'built-in' profile form. You can override this behavior - specifying your own error page - by adding a hidden <strong>errorURL</strong> input field.
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Make sure the CAPTCHA feature is NOT enabled for this profile when you are grabbing the HTML code. CAPTCHA requires dynamic page generation. Submitting an HTML Snippet profile form with CAPTCHA included will ALWAYS result in a CAPTCHA validation error - which means that the information entered by the user can not be saved.
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If the web page you are pasting the snippet code to is hosted in a different domain from your CiviCRM site, you may NOT be able to include Country and State fields in the form (the script which dynamically loads the states based on selected country may not be able to execute across domains).
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