Chromoting Service
UNUSED: (not _google_chrome) == False
note: 'The name of the Windows service installed by Chromoting.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_DISPLAY_SERVICE_NAME
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_DISPLAY_SERVICE_NAME
Служба Віддалений доступ ОС Chrome
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2647232381348739934; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
note: 'Text shown while a background operation is in progress.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_WORKING
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_WORKING
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2676780859508944670; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Software updates usually happen automatically, but can fail in some rare cases. Updating the software should take no more than a few minutes and can be done while connected to your computer remotely.
note: 'Explanatory text displayed if the user tries to connect to a computer running out-of-date Me2Me host software.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_HOST_NEEDS_UPDATE_DETAIL
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_HOST_NEEDS_UPDATE_DETAIL
Оновлення програмного забезпечення зазвичай відбувається автоматично, хоча інколи можуть виникати проблеми. Процес оновлення програмного забезпечення має тривати не більше кількох хвилин. Його можна виконати під час віддаленого з’єднання з комп’ютером.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2747641796667576127; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Connections to the remote computer are temporarily blocked because somebody was trying to connect to it with invalid PIN. Please try again later.
note: 'Error that is shown on the client side when the host is blocking all connections due to failed authentication attempts.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_ERROR_HOST_OVERLOAD
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_ERROR_HOST_OVERLOAD
З’єднання з віддаленим комп’ютером тимчасово заблоковано, оскільки хтось намагався під’єднатися до нього, використовуючи недійсний PIN-код. Повторіть спробу пізніше.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2813770873348017932; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
note: 'Column header in the connection history table showing the time and date of a connection.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_TIME_HEADER
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_TIME_HEADER
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2841013758207633010; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Once they enter the code your sharing session will begin.
note: 'Instructions shown below the access code when it is ready to be conveyed to the client.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_INSTRUCTIONS_SHARE_BELOW
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_INSTRUCTIONS_SHARE_BELOW
Після введення коду розпочнеться сеанс спільного доступу.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2851674870054673688; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Chromium App Streaming
UNUSED: (not _google_chrome) == False
note: "The product name. Displayed in various Chrome pages, including the New Tab page, and displayed prominently on the app's main page."
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_PRODUCT_NAME_APP_STREAMING
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_PRODUCT_NAME_APP_STREAMING
Chromium App Streaming
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2851754573186462851; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
UNUSED: (is_ios) == False
note: 'Subtitle shown in the host list when host is offline, and for which no last-online status is available.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_HOST_OFFLINE_SUBTITLE
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_HOST_OFFLINE_SUBTITLE
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2855866366045322178; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
A network error occurred. We will restart the app when your device is on-line again.
note: 'Message show to the user when the connection is dropped.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_ERROR_CONNECTION_DROPPED
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_ERROR_CONNECTION_DROPPED
Сталася помилка мережі. Додаток перезапуститься, коли пристрій під’єднається до Інтернету.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2888969873284818612; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
This computer is currently shared under a different account.
note: 'Message displayed in the application to indicate that this computer is remotely accessible, but only from a different account than the one that the user is currently signed in as.'
in: results/cr/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_HOME_DAEMON_HOST_ENABLED_OTHER_ACCOUNT
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd, as IDS_HOME_DAEMON_HOST_ENABLED_OTHER_ACCOUNT
Цим комп’ютером зараз віддалено користуються в іншому обліковому записі.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 2894654864775534701; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1