This server could not prove that it is %{DOMAIN}; its security certificate is not trusted by Chromium. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
UNUSED: (is_ios) == False
note: 'Details for an X509 certificate with an invalid authority'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_CERT_ERROR_AUTHORITY_INVALID_DETAILS
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_CERT_ERROR_AUTHORITY_INVALID_DETAILS
Strežniku ni uspelo dokazati, da je %{DOMAIN}; Chromium ne zaupa njegovemu varnostnemu potrdilu. Razlog za to je lahko napačna konfiguracija ali napadalčevo prestrezanje povezave.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 5094747076828555589; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
The certificate chain for this website contains at least one certificate that was signed using a deprecated signature algorithm based on SHA-1.
note: 'The text of the identity section when the site is using a certificate that will stop working in future versions of Chrome.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_PAGE_INFO_SECURITY_TAB_DEPRECATED_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_PAGE_INFO_SECURITY_TAB_DEPRECATED_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM
Veriga potrdil za to spletno mesto vsebuje vsaj eno potrdilo, ki je bilo podpisano z zastarelim podpisnim algoritmom, ki temelji na SHA-1.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 5531349711857992002; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Chromium.
note: "Notifies the user that he needs to relaunch Chromium. Shown next to a button that says 'Relaunch Now'."
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_RELAUNCH_NOTICE
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_RELAUNCH_NOTICE
Spremembe bodo začele veljati ob naslednjem zagonu Chromiuma.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 6613594504749178791; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Go to
the Chromium menu >
and deselect "%{NO_PREFETCH_DESCRIPTION}."
If this does not resolve the issue, we recommend selecting this option
again for improved performance.
note: 'When a page fails to load, sometimes we suggest disabling predicting network actions. These are details below a header for non Android devices.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_ERRORPAGES_SUGGESTION_NETWORK_PREDICTION_BODY
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_ERRORPAGES_SUGGESTION_NETWORK_PREDICTION_BODY
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
meni Chromiuma >
in počistite polje »%{NO_PREFETCH_DESCRIPTION}«.
Če s tem težave ne odpravite, priporočamo, da to možnost
zaradi izboljšanja delovanja znova izberete.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 7861509383340276692; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
To establish a secure connection, your clock needs to be set correctly. This is because the certificates that websites use to identify themselves are only valid for specific periods of time. Since your device's clock is incorrect, Chromium cannot verify these certificates.
note: 'Body text for the explanation shown if user clicks on the Advanced button for an SSL clock error.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_SSL_V2_CLOCK_EXPLANATION
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_SSL_V2_CLOCK_EXPLANATION
Če želite vzpostaviti varno povezavo, mora biti ura pravilno nastavljena. Potrdila, ki jih uporabljajo spletna mesta za prepoznavanje, namreč veljajo samo določen čas. Ker je ura sistema nepravilna, Chromium teh potrdil ne more preveriti.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 8738058698779197622; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Your preferences can not be read.
Some features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.
note: 'Error displayed on startup when user preferences file can not be read'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_PREFERENCES_UNREADABLE_ERROR
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_PREFERENCES_UNREADABLE_ERROR
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Nastavitev ni mogoče prebrati.
Nekatere funkcije morda niso na voljo in spremembe nastavitev ne bodo shranjene.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 1065672644894730302; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
&Relaunch Chromium in Windows 8 mode
UNUSED: (is_win) == False
note: 'Text for the menu item to restart Chrome in metro. Applies to Windows 8 only'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_WIN8_METRO_RESTART
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_WIN8_METRO_RESTART
&Vnovični zagon Chromiuma v načinu sistema Windows 8
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 108122890477367602; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Chromium could not sync your data. Please update your Sync passphrase.
note: 'Message in the sync error bubble view when the user needs to update their sync passphrase.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_ERROR_BUBBLE_VIEW_MESSAGE
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_ERROR_BUBBLE_VIEW_MESSAGE
Chromium ni mogel sinhronizirati podatkov. Posodobite sinhronizacijsko geslo.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 1115445892567829615; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
%{SITE} normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Chromium tried to connect to %{SITE} this time, the website sent back unusual
and incorrect credentials. Either an attacker is trying to pretend to be %{SITE}, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Chromium stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.
note: 'Body text for the explanation shown if user clicks on the Details button.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_SSL_NONOVERRIDABLE_MORE
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_SSL_NONOVERRIDABLE_MORE
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Spletno mesto %{SITE} za zaščito vaših podatkov običajno uporablja šifriranje. Ko se je Chromium tokrat poskusil povezati s spletnim mestom %{SITE}, je to poslalo nazaj nenavadne in nepravilne poverilnice. Ali se torej napadalec izdaja za spletno mesto %{SITE} ali pa je povezavo prekinil zaslon za prijavo v omrežje Wi-Fi. Vaši podatki so še vedno varni, saj je Chromium ustavil povezavo, preden bi prišlo do izmenjave podatkov.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 1144202035120576837; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Share a computer? Now you can set up Chromium just the way you like it.
note: 'The main content of the tutorial card in the avatar menu bubble view that introduces an upgrade user to the new profile management UI.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_PROFILES_WELCOME_UPGRADE_TUTORIAL_CONTENT_TEXT
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd, as IDS_PROFILES_WELCOME_UPGRADE_TUTORIAL_CONTENT_TEXT
Imate računalnik v skupni rabi? Zdaj lahko nastavite Chromium po svojih željah.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 1174473354587728743; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1