Set up Sync to save your personalized browser features to the web and access them from Google Chrome on any computer.
UNUSED: (pp_ifdef('chromeos')) == False
note: 'Chrome OS: The message that appears in the options dialog when sync has not been set up by the user.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_SYNC_OVERVIEW
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_SYNC_OVERVIEW
ওয়েবে আপনার ব্যক্তিগতকৃত ব্রাউজার বিষয় সংরক্ষণ করতে এবং যেকোন কম্পিউটারে Google Chrome থেকে প্রবেশ করতে সিঙ্ক সেট আপ করুন৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid7459554271817304652; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
The installer couldn't create a temporary directory. Please check for free disk space and permission to install software.
note: 'Error displayed when we fail to create temporary directory during installation.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_INSTALL_TEMP_DIR_FAILED
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_INSTALL_TEMP_DIR_FAILED
ইনস্টলারটি অস্থায়ী ডাইরেক্টরি তৈরি করতে পারে নি৷ দয়া করে মুক্ত ডিস্ক স্থান এবং সফ্টওয়্যারটি ইনস্টল করার অনুমতি যাচাই করে নিন৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid7747138024166251722; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Do you want Google Chrome to save your password for this site?
UNUSED: (is_android) OR (pp_ifdef('android')) == False
note: 'Mobile: Info bar message to save a password'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_PASSWORD_MANAGER_SAVE_PASSWORD_PROMPT
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_PASSWORD_MANAGER_SAVE_PASSWORD_PROMPT
আপনি কি চান যে Google Chrome এই সাইটের জন্য আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করুক?
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid7773845170078702898; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
There is a new version of Google Chrome available.
note: 'Top line of the try-chrome-again dialog'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_TRY_TOAST_HEADING
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_TRY_TOAST_HEADING
Google Chrome এর একটি নতুন ভার্সন উপলব্ধ।
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid7781002470561365167; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Installation failed due to unspecified error. Please download Google Chrome again.
note: 'Error message when setup.exe fails to patch itself.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_SETUP_PATCH_FAILED
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_SETUP_PATCH_FAILED
অনির্দিষ্ট ত্রুটির জন্য ইনস্টলেশন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে৷ দয়া করে পুনরায় Google Chrome ডাউনলোড করুন৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid7825851276765848807; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Google Chrome requires Windows Vista or Windows XP with SP2 or higher.
note: 'Error displayed if OS is not supported'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_INSTALL_OS_NOT_SUPPORTED
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_INSTALL_OS_NOT_SUPPORTED
Google Chrome-এর জন্য SP2 বা উচ্চতর সহ Windows Vista বা Windows XP প্রয়োজন৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid8000275528373650868; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
note: 'Copyright information on the about pages'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_ABOUT_VERSION_COPYRIGHT
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_ABOUT_VERSION_COPYRIGHT
কপিরাইট ২০১৩ Google Inc৷ সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid8124352762008487242; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Go to
Applications > System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies
and deselect any proxies that have been selected.
UNUSED: (is_macosx and not pp_ifdef('ios')) == False
note: 'Mac OSX instructions for disabling use of a proxy server.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_ERRORPAGES_SUGGESTION_PROXY_DISABLE_PLATFORM
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_ERRORPAGES_SUGGESTION_PROXY_DISABLE_PLATFORM
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Applications > System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies এ যান
এবং নির্বাচিত থাকা যে কোনো প্রক্সি অনির্বাচন করুন৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid8187289872471304532; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Optional: Help make Chrome OS better by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google.
note: 'The label of the checkbox to enable/disable crash and user metrics logging on EULA screen.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_EULA_CHECKBOX_ENABLE_LOGGING
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_EULA_CHECKBOX_ENABLE_LOGGING
ঐচ্ছিক: Google-এ ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান এবং ক্র্যাশ প্রতিবেদন স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে পাঠিয়ে Chrome-কে সর্বোত্তম করে তুলতে সাহায্য করুন৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid8205111949707227942; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Google Chrome needs to launch an external application to handle %{SCHEME} links. The link requested is %{PROTOLINK}.
note: 'General information about what Chrome is trying to do when opening this external protocol'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION
%{SCHEME} লিঙ্কগুলি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার জন্য Google Chrome-এর একটি বহিরাগত অ্যাপ্লিকেশন প্রবর্তন করা দরকার৷ অনুরোধ করা লিঙ্কটি হল %{PROTOLINK}৷
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid8227755444512189073; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2