Translations by Anthony Harrington

Anthony Harrington has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
PURPOSE: This test will test the keyboard overhead light key or switch STEPS: 1. Press the keyboard overhead light key or swtich on the light 2. Check the the keyboard overhead light turn on correctly 3. Press the key or switch again to toggle off the light VERIFICATION: Did the keyboard overhead light key or switch turns on and off the light?
PURPOSE: This test will test the keyboard overhead light key or switch STEPS: 1. Press the keyboard overhead light key or switch on the light 2. Check the the keyboard overhead light turns on correctly 3. Press the key or switch again to toggle off the light VERIFICATION: Did the keyboard overhead light key or switch turn the light on and off?