Croatian (hr) : Template “webui” : Series trunk : Translations : Canonical SSO provider

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110 of 425 results
An Ubuntu One account already exists with this email.
Ubuntu One račun s ovom adresom e-pošte već postoji.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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Please verify your email.
Potvrdite svoju e-poštu.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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You have reached the maximum allowed number of email addresses per account (%d). Delete some of those email addresses to be able to add new ones.
Dosegli ste najveći dopušteni broj adresa e-pošte po računu (%d). Obrišite neke od tih adresa kako bi mogli dodati nove.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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We received a request to remove the email address {email} from your account. This email address was previously linked to your account but was never verified by you. You will no longer be able to login to your account using {email}.
Primili smo zahtjev za uklanjanjem adrese e-pošte {email} s ovog računa. Ova adresa e-pošte je od prije povezana s vašim računom ali nikada ju niste potvrdili. Više se nećete moći prijaviti na vaš račun koristeći {email}.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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You must log in to access this page.
Morate se prijaviti za pristup ovoj stranici.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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You must verify your account before importing a key.
Morate potvrditi svoj račun prije uvoza ključa.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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You must set a username before importing a key.
Morate postaviti korisničko ime prije uvoza ključa.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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Begins with 'ssh-rsa', or 'ssh-dss'.
Počinje sa 'ssh-rsa', ili 'ssh-dss'.
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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Public SSH Key
Javni SSH ključ
Translated and reviewed by gogo
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Stale request
Translators: This is the title of a page only displayed when the browser request was old (ie. had an incorrect csrf token).
Prestari zahtjev
Translated and reviewed by gogo
Located in templates/403-csrf.html:11
110 of 425 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Croatian Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: gogo.