Browsing Finnish translation

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1827 of 425 results
If neither of these solve the issue, please try accessing Ubuntu One from a completely fresh, unconfigured browser. This will help us better diagnose the problem in case it's still happening. If the issue is solved by using a clean browser session, try to verify your browser settings and extensions.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/403-csrf.html:34
Go to our home page
Siirry pääsivulle
Translated and reviewed by Jiri Grönroos
Located in templates/403-csrf.html:38
Not found
Ei löytynyt
Translated and reviewed by Jiri Grönroos
Located in templates/404-no-token.html:10 templates/404.html:10
You clicked on an e-mail address validation link from Ubuntu One SSO; however, the information from the link seems to be invalid or stale.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/404-no-token.html:19
This could be for one of the following reasons:
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/404-no-token.html:20
The link has already been used. You don't need to validate your address again.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/404-no-token.html:22
You created your Ubuntu One SSO account while starting a session on another site. You must click the validation link on the same browser where you started your session on the other site.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/404-no-token.html:23
You can also go to <a href="%(email_url)s">Your account's e-mail page</a> and click on "Verify" next to the e-mail address you want to verify. This is the best solution if you are unable to click the link on the same browser where you started your session on the other site.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/404-no-token.html:25
There's no page with this address in the Ubuntu One service. Check that you entered the address correctly and try again.
Sivua tällä osoitteella ei ole olemassa Ubuntu One -palvelussa. Varmista että kirjoitit osoitteen oikein ja yritä uudelleen.
Translated and reviewed by Jiri Grönroos
Located in templates/404.html:18
(Error <abbr>ID</abbr>: %(oopsid)s)
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/404.html:20
1827 of 425 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Finnish Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Jiri Grönroos.