Bible Study Basics
type: Content of: <chapter><title>
Elementi di studio della bibbia
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Our Purpose as we Approach the Bible
type: Content of: <chapter><sect1><title>
La nostra intenzione è di occuparci della Bibbia
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type: Content of: <chapter><sect1><para><blockquote><attribution>
Gv 5,39-40
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You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life.
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Voi scrutate le Scritture credendo di avere in esse la vita eterna; ebbene, sono proprio esse che mi rendono testimonianza. Ma voi non volete venire a me per avere la vita.
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The chief purpose of the book is to bring us to the Person. Martin Luther said <quote>we go to the cradle only for the sake of the baby</quote>; just so in Bible study, we do it not for its own sake but for fellowship with God.
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L'intenzione principale del libro sta nel guidarci alla persona. Martin Lutero disse <quote>andiamo al presepio soltanto a causa del bambino</quote>; nello stesso modo facciamo lo studio della Bibbia non per sé ma per cercare Dio.
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John R.W. Stott, <emphasis>Christ the Controversialist</emphasis>, InterVarsity Press 1978, pp.97, 104.
type: Content of: <chapter><sect1><blockquote><attribution>
John R.W. Stott, <emphasis>Christ the Controversialist</emphasis>, InterVarsity Press 1978, pp.97, 104.
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The Jews to whom Jesus spoke [...] imagined that to possess Scripture was tantamount to possessing life. Hillel used to say, "He who has gotten to himself words of Torah has gotten to himself the life of the world to come." Their study was an end in itself. In this they were grievously deceived. [...]
type: Content of: <chapter><sect1><blockquote><para>
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There is neither merit nor profit in the reading of Scripture for its own sake, but only if it effectively introduces us to Jesus Christ. Whenever the Bible is read, what is needed is an eager expectation that through it we may meet Christ.
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Non c'è merito né profitto nel leggere la Bibbia per se stessi, ma soltanto se ci porta a Gesù Cristo. Per qualunque motivo leggiamo la bibbia dobbiamo avere una forte speranza di incontrare il Cristo attraverso di essa.
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Approaches to God's Word
type: Content of: <chapter><sect1><title>
Approcci alla parola di Dio
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Hearing and reading provide a telescopic view of the scripture while study and memorization provide a microscopic view of scripture. Meditating on the scriptures brings hearing, reading, studying and memorization together and cements the word in our minds.
type: Content of: <chapter><sect1><para>
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