Number of seconds to inhibit autohide when a application requests attention. A value of 0 disables.
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Number of seconds to wait before nagging again, by inhibiting autohide, if attention is required by any windows. A value of 0 disables.
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Desktop copy behaviour on drag and drop of desktop files. 0.. Copy all, 1.. Copy if owned by user, 2.. Do not copy.
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Dialog display mode. 0 = auto, 1 = standard text, 2 = kde/compiz previews.
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Default dialog scale. Previews will be scaled down further as needed.
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Enable reordering of windows by drag and drop
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Controls the display of window icons in the Task Icon. 0) Alway display application provided window icons when window is active (except for a very few special cases). 1) Attempt to only display application provided icons when they are likely to provide useful/context info. 2) Ignore all application provide icons and only display the Launcher icon
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Group icons with the same launcher, if the grouping of windows is disabled.
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Allow grouping of windows together that have different WM_CLIENT_NAME values.
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a list of paths to .desktop files from which the taskmanager should create it's launchers
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