This module provide an abstract common minimal base to multi-channels sales.
Say you want to expose your product catalog to
* several instances of flashy-sluggish Magento web sites
* a cutting edge Spree web shop
* a Neteven online Marketplace
* EBay
* Amazon
* Google Base
* an external Point Of Sale system
* ...
Then this module allows you to:
* use several external references ids on every OpenERP object matching those all those external referentials
* per referential instance, use several sale sub platform entities (ex: several Magento websites per instance)
* per sub platform, use several shops (ex: several Magento web shops per website)
For each sale shop (matching OpenERP sale.shop object), this module abstract the interfaces to:
* export the catalog, shop warehouse stock level wise, shop pricelist wise
* import the catalog
* import orders
* export orders/picking status