Hello${object.address_invoice_id.name and ' ' or ''}${object.address_invoice_id.name or ''},
A new invoice is available for ${object.partner_id.name}:
| Invoice number: *${object.number}*
| Invoice total: *${object.amount_total} ${object.currency_id.name}*
| Invoice date: ${object.date_invoice}
% if object.origin:
| Order reference: ${object.origin}
% endif
| Your contact: ${object.user_id.name} ${object.user_id.user_email and '<%s>'%(object.user_id.user_email) or ''}
You can view the invoice document, download it and pay online using the following link:
${ctx.get('edi_web_url_view') or 'n/a'}
% if object.company_id.paypal_account and object.type in ('out_invoice', 'in_refund'):
comp_name = quote(object.company_id.name)
inv_number = quote(object.number)
paypal_account = quote(object.company_id.paypal_account)
inv_amount = quote(str(object.amount_total))
cur_name = quote(object.currency_id.name)
paypal_url = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=%s&item_name=%s%%20Invoice%%20%s"\
"&invoice=%s&amount=%s¤cy_code=%s&button_subtype=services&no_note=1&bn=OpenERP_Invoice_PayNow_%s" % \
It is also possible to directly pay with Paypal:
% endif
If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for choosing ${object.company_id.name}!
${object.user_id.name} ${object.user_id.user_email and '<%s>'%(object.user_id.user_email) or ''}
% if object.company_id.street:
${object.company_id.street or ''}
% endif
% if object.company_id.street2:
% endif
% if object.company_id.city or object.company_id.zip:
${object.company_id.zip or ''} ${object.company_id.city or ''}
% endif
% if object.company_id.country_id:
${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.company_id.state_id.name) or ''} ${object.company_id.country_id.name or ''}
% endif
% if object.company_id.phone:
Phone: ${object.company_id.phone}
% endif
% if object.company_id.website:
${object.company_id.website or ''}
% endif