Translations by Matteo
Matteo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 11 of 11 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
11. |
Your callsign is too long for Packet Radio!
2022-08-23 |
Il tuo nominativo eccede la lunghezza massima per Packet Radio!
52. |
Only needed for APRS over the Internet:
2022-08-23 |
Necessario solo per APRS via Internet:
87. |
Load profile...
2022-08-23 |
Carico il profilo...
88. |
Export profile...
2022-08-23 |
Esporto il profilo...
158. |
Choose on map
2022-08-23 |
Seleziona da mappa
159. |
Save position
2022-08-23 |
Salva posizione
274. |
Keyboard Navigation
2022-08-23 |
Naviga da tastiera
275. |
move map
2022-08-23 |
muovi mappa
276. |
2022-08-23 |
277. |
2022-08-23 |
278. |
2022-08-23 |