Translations by Paolo Valentino Mattiolo
Paolo Valentino Mattiolo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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5. |
APRSdroid Log
2017-07-28 |
Log APRSdroid
14. |
Send Position
2017-07-28 |
Invia posizione
20. |
Position for %s unknown!
2017-07-28 |
Posizione di %s sconosciuta
26. |
External Map
2017-07-28 |
Mappa esterna
82. |
Export Log
2017-07-28 |
Esporta log
83. |
Nothing to export
2017-07-28 |
Nulla da esportare
122. |
2017-07-28 |
123. |
Voice frequency
2017-07-28 |
Frequenza voce
124. |
Your voice frequency [MHz]
2017-07-28 |
La vostra frequenza voce [MHz]
131. |
Connection Type
2017-07-28 |
Tipo di connessione
132. |
Choose the link type
2017-07-28 |
Seleziona il tipo di link
136. |
Internet (APRS-IS)
2017-07-28 |
Internet (APRS-IS)
137. |
Audio (AFSK)
2017-07-28 |
Audio (AFSK)
138. |
2017-07-28 |
139. |
TNC (plaintext TNC2)
2017-07-28 |
TNC (text TNC2)
140. |
Kenwood (NMEA waypoint)
2017-07-28 |
Kenwood (NMEA waypoint)
141. |
Kenwood setup help
2017-07-28 |
Kenwood aiuto impostazioni
142. |
Use Android GPS
2017-07-28 |
Usa Android GPS