Translations by aj00200
aj00200 has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1. |
=== Anon+ Setup ===
== Project Vomun ==
2011-12-29 |
=== Installation de Anon+ ===
== Projet Vomun ==
2. |
PyCrypto is required to use Anon+
Get it for Linux at
Get it for Windows at
2011-12-29 |
PyCryto est un bessoin pour Anon+
Prenez le ici Linux:
Prenez le ici Windows:
3. |
Please update PyCrypto:
2011-12-29 |
Merci de mettre a jour PyCrypto:
4. |
[*] Preparing for setup...
2011-12-29 |
Preparation de l'installation...
6. |
[*] Making ~/.vomun/
2011-12-29 |
[*] Creation de ~/.vomun/
7. |
[*] Setting up encryption keys
2011-12-29 |
[*] Creer les clées d'encryption
9. |
this could take a while...
2011-12-29 |
Un petit moment s'il vous plait...
10. |
[*] Done. Key fingerprint:
2011-12-29 |
[*] Fini. Clée crée
12. |
[*] Writing keys to keys.json
2011-12-29 |
[*] Ecriture des clées sur keys.json
13. |
[*] Generating the config file...
2011-12-29 |
[*] Creation du fichier de configuration...
14. |
[*] Writing the config file.
2011-12-29 |
[*] Ecriture sur le fichier de configuration.
15. |
== Setup Complete ==
2011-12-29 |
== Installation Finie ==
16. |
== Anon+ Setup is Complete ==
Please run and then go to
http://localhost:7777/ to use it.
2011-12-29 |
== L'installation de anonplus c'est faite correctement ==
A l'avenir faites tourner pour lancer anonplus
http://localhost:7777/ pour utiliser Anon+.