The well-known Fortune, now for Android: print random, hopefully interesting, adages, quotes, sayings, aphorisms, jokes, texts, ...
Description of the app in the Market
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Change the widget font style
Title for dialog to change the font style of the widget cookie text.
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Widget update period
Short label for button leading to dialog to change the widget refresh time period.
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Time period in minutes in between widget refreshes.
Description for button leading to dialog to change the widget refresh time period.
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Change widget update period
Title for dialog to change the widget refresh time period.
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The cookie text has been copied to the clipboard. You can now paste it elsewhere.
Message for dialog that confirms that the cookie text has been copied to the clipboard.
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Try this fortune cookie Android app I found.\n\nSearch in the Android Market for \'Android\'s Fortune\' or open http://market.android.com/search?q=pname:net.lp.androidsfortune in your phone\'s browser.
Template text to send a recommendation mail to friends to appraise this app. Formed when user selects 'Share app' menu item.
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Try this fortune cookie Android app I found: Android\'s Fortune
Subject for emails etc. that use the template text.
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Fortune cookie
Name of the widget (on the home screen).
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No cookie files configured, or Android\'s Fortune closed due to too little free memory or reinstall. Tap to open Android\'s Fortune!
Error message instead of widget cookie text, when no cookies have been configured or something has gone wrong (or is still being fixed).
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