Material Requirement Planning Setup
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50004:Name.
MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50004:Description.
MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. It create planned orders to balance demand ans supply for products and it issues recommendations to receipt material with the right quantities and at the right dates to satisfy the Master Production Schedule in the most efficient way.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50004:Help.
Capacity Requirement Planning Setup
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50005:Name.
The process of Capacity Plan Calculation allows us to know the available time in each manufacturing resource, as well as the required time to satisfy the Master Production Schedule.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50005:Description.
It is a set of techniques which uses the planned orders by MRP, open manufacturing orders, manufacturing resources and the work-flows to calculate the required time for each resource along with the available time. With this information, we are able to balance the time demand with the available time. Through the knowledge of the required and available capacities it is possible to adjust the Master Production Schedule(MPS) until we arrive at a realistic one.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50005:Help.
Distribution Resource Planning Setup
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50006:Name.
is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50006:Description,id-50006:Help.
Discrete Manufacturing Setup
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50007:Name.
Once the production planning process is completed, the production control process let us to check the execution activities in order to be sure we can reach the material plan.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
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Content of: id-50007:Description.