Xara LX Translators translation group

Administered by Neil Howe

All Xara LX translators need to send a signed Contributor Agreement, found in, to Xara, before they can access the Xara LX translations in Rosetta. This allows the translations to be used in Xara's official version of Xara LX. You can email a signed and scanned copy of the agreement, or send by post or fax. Please include your Launchpad account id along with the agreement so you can be given access to the Xara LX project easily.

Please see the Xara LX web site for details.

Translation teams

Language Team/Supervisor Guidelines Appointed
Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) Jonatã Bolzan Loss
French (fr) French Xara LX with 3 members
German (de) German Xara LX with 4 members
Hungarian (hu) Gabor SUVEG
Italian (it) Italian Xara LX with 3 members
Russian (ru) Russian Xara LX with 8 members
Ukrainian (uk) Ukraine Xara LX with 4 members

Projects using this group

Projects listed here are using Xara LX Translators to manage their translations through the respective translation teams.